"I’ve been in the career development field a very long time and have had more than an inkling that things were not quite right in the employment services arena. After reading this clear, forceful and readable book, it will be impossible for me to ignore or rationalize these issues from now on. Delicate and Hoyt spell out known problems that have clear (but not necessarily easy) solutions. They also invite us all—service providers to employers to taxpayers—to stop looking the other way. The marginalized among us deserve no less." ~ Dave E. Redekopp
A Call For A Dramatic Course Correction
"Smoke and Mirrors is nothing short of courageous truth-telling. With more than 30 years of experience working directly and indirectly to support jobseekers with disabilities and employers, I share in their frustrations, and I heartily join Hoyt and Delicate in their call for a dramatic course correction. It is time to stop looking away, shrugging shoulders, and making excuses for continued investment in failed strategies. It is time for agencies and systems to do the right thing. "
~ Keenan Wellar, LiveWorkPlay
You Have Nailed The Problems And Inherent Pitfalls
"Just a quick note to tell you and Sarah how much I enjoyed your book. I got it yesterday and read it last night. I appreciate the honest and no holds barred approach you took. After nearly 30 years in the business, I have seen many trends and programs come and go but you have nailed the problems and inherent pitfalls of having a professional, engaged (questionable!) civil service at the beck and call of politicians and their election cycles, not to mention service providers who have become protective of their agencies, careers and funding at the expense of clients. Well done. A welcome and timely book. "
~ Bill, Career Development Professional
I Found It Healing
"Wish I had read 3 years ago prior to entering the sector as it would have saved me a lot of grief. I left my position a few months ago due to consistent moral injury related to much of what you covered in this book. I was (am) one of those passionate ones who consistently went above and beyond to ensure success for our vulnerable clients by getting to the root cause of their unemployment and this was not appreciated by leaders at large. 10-12hr days were common but eventually got the best of me and resulted in burn out and resignation from a youth program I adored. I wanted to read this book prior to returning to the sector and because of it, I don’t think I will. It’s broken and those who have the power to change it don’t seem too motivated to do so. I will pass the book info on to a number of past colleagues too as I found it healing to recognize that I wasn’t crazy after all - ha ha."
~ Tracy, Career Development Professional
Empowering For All The Elements Of The System
"Just finished the book. Succinct, cogent, impactful, eminently purposeful. Thank you for walking on the wild side and sharing what we all know. This is empowering for all the elements of the system. Thank You!!!!! Heart centred leadership at all levels is worth the effort. Truly!"
~Jim Woodbridge, Career Development Professional